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IV Experts.

Education & Consulting Services

Get educated, the expert way.

Less stress IV therapy & blood withdrawal for LVNs & RNs.

IV therapy & blood withdrawal course for LVNs & RNs

You'll be learning from an expert IV nurse instructor with over 40 years of experience in emergency departments across Southern California. Renowned for her mastery in starting IVs on challenging vasculature, particularly among skilled nursing facility residents, she has been teaching for over 20 years. On-call to provide crucial IV access where others may face difficulties, her unwavering dedication to patient care and education shines through her expertise and commitment.

Meet the experts.

Our faculty is composed of highly trained and respected registered nurses possessing vast professional experience & multidisciplinary backgrounds in Emergency Care, Critical Care, Pre-hospital Care, Nursing Education, Nursing Management & Administration. Our instructional staff have developed expertise in course content through extensive clinical background & frequent teaching of curriculum. Our Experts don’t just teach the material, they are all current practitioners. Who better to teach life-saving emergency procedures & how to start an IV than ER nurses?